Alkimii People: It all starts here

Make the boring, but necessary, stuff easy so you and your people can focus on what matters – your guests.

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Alkimii People puts all your HR requirements
in one digital place, that you take with you.


Happy People

Make your people happy by letting them do everything from onboarding to checking their rosters, clocking in, requesting time off, and getting paid on their mobile devices.


Save time

Reduce the time you and your managers spend on people admin. Freeing you up to do the things that matter. Like training, forecasting & analysis, and proactive maintenance.


Your info in one place

All your data, from rosters to payroll, is online, in one place and available in real-time. Dashboards give you the big, or small, picture at a glance, on the go.

Why Alkimii People?


Engage your team with Alkimii People

Keep your people in the loop with regular updates. Essential information, celebrating wins, sharing your culture or just saying hi. Messaging and newsfeeds with comments and reactions are built into Alkimii People to be quick, frictionless, useful and entertaining.

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Take the paperwork and cost out of HR admin


People have onboarded with Alkimii People since 2019


Onboarded with their mobile devices


The total HR Admin costs saved to date

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Clock-in with a selfie!

Fast facial recognition clock-ins and clock-outs for all your people using their smartphones. Your people can clock in, take breaks and clock out, on the go, anywhere in the hotel, but only in the hotel.


Stay in touch without fuss

No more searching through multiple channels for that important piece of information. Share documents, images and videos with individuals and groups. From saying good morning to important, business-critical information, everything is in one place, wherever you are, with Alkimii People.

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Easy HR automation

Take the time and paperwork out of HR admin with online onboarding, HR manager approval and generating reports. Build your onboarding and HR packs with an easy-to-use, help-yourself custom form builder.


Celebrate the Moments

Finding reasons to celebrate and show compassion brings the team together. Moments reminds you of the important dates, birthdays, anniversaries and events, never miss the opportunity to make your team feel special again.


Listen with Surveys

With surveys readily available you can quickly uncover the truth, knowing what really matters to your team and take focussed action to improve retention. In our beta test, ENPS scores climbed from 62% to 81%.


Let's Check In!

It's no secret that the best relationships are built on open communication. Keeping to a regular 3 monthly check-in schedule is proven to ensure teams are focussed and reduce churn. Add formal appraisals and scheduling to the mix and you have all you need to keep your team on track.


Alkimii Finance is included with Alkimii People.

Improve customer service, avoid payroll shock & empower your teams with Alkimii Finance, our payroll predictions and sales forecasting service.

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370+ Hotels trust Alkimii every day

This is what our customers say.

I would highly recommend Alkimii. We Have been using Alkimii for 3 years now and its a great tool for HR, Management and staff. Great support from all the Team and they are always improving their system and bringing in new features to suit individual needs and requirements. Staff are very accommodating, efficient and helpful.

Malini Deepchand

Alkimii Customer

I have been using Alkimii for several months now and have found application extremely easy to use and understand. In addition to this any issues that I have had have been dealt with quickly and efficiently by the support team.

Arron Gallagher

Alkimii Customer

One of the best payroll/ roster/ handover/ reporting/ forecasting companies in the market. Worked with good few previously, but Alkimii is outstanding of them all. Amazing customer service. Always helpful. Prompt response-I mean within minutes. Absolute pleasure contacting Katie, Niamh W, Niamh E, Gary White and all the team. Couldn't be more helpful. Thank you for your assistance! Pleasure as always.

Madi Na

Alkimii Customer

Alkimii is a simple & beautiful HR and operations platform
that will engage & empower your people.

Good people do a great job with the best tools.

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